The five whales at Saedyrasafnid

In October and November of 1978 a lot of killer whales were captured in Icelandic waters. The animals were moved to a holding facility at Saedyrasafnid Aquarium. Some of them were soon transported to buying marine parks, like Katina, Kasatka, Kahana, Kotar, Betty and Shawn. Five whales stayed behind. Originally sold to Kamogawa Sea World, the transfer got delayed for unknown reasons. Two orcas, a male and a female, died in February 1979 after a period of severe weather that caused damages in water circulation in the pool and subsequent illness of two animals. The three surviving killer whales were released after the incident and the facility got renovated.

Sources: "Orca - The Whale Called Killer" by Erich Hoyt and The Icelandic live-capture fishery for killer whales, 1976-1988 by Johann Sigurjonsson and Stephen Leatherwood

Pictures provided by HaH and Cetacean Cousins

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